• Overview

Stock Information Stock Information

Stock Information (As of September 30, 2024)

Total Number of Shares Issued and Shareholders

Type Authorized Shares Total Issued Shares Common Shares Issued upon Conversion Number of Shareholders
Common Shares 15,000,000,000 3,880,388,022 80,012
Class E Preferred Shares 5,540 5,540 2,308,329,640 1
  • Note1. The number of treasury shares held by JDI is 67.
  • Note2. Class E preferred shares do not have voting rights.

Stock Acquisition Rights

(Allotted Date)
Exercise Period Total Rights Issued Common Shares Issued on Exercise Exercise Price
The 13th Stock Acquisition Rights
(March 22, 2023)
From June 1, 2023
to November 30, 2028
100 3,852,444,400 45

Note : The exercise period for the 13th Stock Acquisition Rights in the issuance terms is as stated above. However, the agreement with the allotment recipient stipulates that the new share subscription right will be exercised in two stages as follows:

  • (1)50 Rights: From June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2028
  • (2)50 Rights: From December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2028

Major Shareholders

Shareholders Number of Shares Held Voting Rights Ratio (%)
1 Ichigo Trust 3,034,222,222 78.19
2 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 70,077,400 1.81
3 Nichia Corporation 34,965,000 0.90
4 JP JPMSE LUX RE NOMURA INT PLC 1 EQ CO 16,853,803 0.43
5 J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES PLC 13,537,267 0.35
6 INCJ, Ltd. 10,000,000 0.26
7 Haneda Turtle Service Co., Ltd. 9,627,000 0.25
8 Akio Utsumi 9,432,700 0.24
10 Japan Display Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Association 7,340,793 0.19
  • Note 1. Percentages of voting rights are calculated based on the number voting rights (38,803,295) as of September 30, 2024.
  • Note 2. Ichigo Trust holds 5,540 Class E Preferred Shares with no voting rights.

Ownership and Distribution of Shares

(1) Common Shares

Types of Shareholders Number of
Unit Shareholders
Number of
Share Units Held
Ratio (%)
Japanese Financial Institutions 8 752,300 1.94
Japanese Securities Firms 29 99,128 0.26
Other Japanese Institutions 500 735,384 1.90
Foreign Institutions and Individuals 666 31,260,558 80.56
Japanese Individuals and Others 77,091 5,955,925 15.35
Total Unit Shares 78,294 38,803,295 100.00
Odd-Lot Shares 58,522

(2) Class E Preferred Shares

Types of Shareholders Number of
Unit Shareholders
Number of
Share Units Held
Ratio (%)
Foreign Institutions and Individuals 1 55 100.00
  • Note :  The number of Common Shares and Preferred Shares per trading unit is 100 shares.