• Environmental Controls

Environmental Controls Environmental Controls

Environmental Impact

JDI’s business activities consist of inputting energy and resources for product production, which are accompanied by outputs such as CO2, waste, and so on. An overview of this is shown in the following diagram (covering all domestic Fabs + global manufacturing subsidiary in FY2022). The basis of JDI’s environmental improvement activities lies in reducing the amount of input and output, and JDI works to address such activities by comprehending each of these items for every area in a detailed manner.

Environmental Impact

*1 The priority controlled chemical substances refer to 38 substances selected as being subject to priority control efforts.
*2 The CO2 emissions factor from electrical power in Japan is based on 0.433 t-CO2/MWh (emissions factor released by each power company [factor used to convert greenhouse gas emissions of a specific emitter]). The other conversion factors are from the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. The CO2 emissions factor overseas uses the local emissions factor for Taiwan and the Philippines.
*3 Among substance covered in the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, JDI uses the term “greenhouse gases” to refer to these seven substances: PFC (CF4, c-C4F8), HFC (CHF3, C2HF5), SF6, NF3 and N2O. Emission factors of AR4 are used.
*4 Within Japan, this refers only to emissions of the 38 priority controlled chemical substances designated by JDI, and for overseas it refers only to emissions of VOC.

Chemical Substance Management

Our products contain a variety of chemical substances, some of which are considered hazardous and pose a risk of environmental contamination. To prevent this, numerous laws and regulations have been enacted in countries around the world. In addition to complying with these laws and regulations, we also manage chemical substances appropriately at every stage of design and manufacturing to meet customer requirements.

Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products

Based on laws and regulations, including the RoHS Directive, the ELV Directive, and the REACH Regulation, as well as requests from JDI’s customers, JDI manages chemical substances contained in products with the understanding and cooperation of JDI’s business partners. JDI has also established a control method that considers the risk of chemical transfer to products from indirect materials, such as jigs, fixtures, tools, and equipment that come into direct contact with products during manufacturing, and verifies that no restricted substances are used. We compile these items into a database and confirm that our products comply with laws and regulations and customer requirements at the design stage before they are shipped to our customers.

Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products

Management of Chemical Substances

We manage chemical substance control based on the following basic principles

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

JDI has built a system to respond to laws and regulations concerning chemical substances used and contained in the products and complies with such laws and regulations. The major laws and regulations concerning chemical substances include the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc., Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof, RoHS Directive, ELV Directive, and REACH Regulation.

Chemical Substance Data Accumulation

JDI collects and stores data on the chemical substances used and contained in the parts and materials. JDI also monitors the use of chemical substances to confirm that they are used in accordance with laws, regulations, and customer requirements by using these data.

Measurement of Chemical Substances and Use of Analysis Results

JDI regularly measures the chemical substances contained in its atmospheric emissions and discharged wastewater. We also require our business partners to conduct detailed analysis of specific parts and materials to prevent accidental contamination with prohibited substances. As part of our internal management, we use XRF measurement equipment at each manufacturing site to monitor whether or not prohibited substances are contained in specific parts and high-risk substances, and we strive to prevent their contamination.

JDI monitors the use of chemical substances and promotes the reduction of discharged amounts of chemical substances in order to respect biological diversity and contribute to the preservation of the environment and a sustainable society.

Green Procurement and Environmentally Friendly Products

At JDI, we have established the Green Procurement Guidelines and conducted evaluations of our business partners’ management systems to ensure proper operation as well as convey the information on laws and regulations and customer requirements to our business partners and ask these business partners to comply with them. Through promoting these initiatives and JDI’s activities to reduce environmental impact, we are striving to design and produce environmentally friendly products.

Green Procurement Efforts

  • 1.Enactment of Green Procurement Guideline

JDI enacted its Green Procurement Guidelines to reflect both legal restrictions in various countries and regions on the chemicals contained in products and JDI’s customer requirements, and asks its business partners to comply with them. The Green Procurement Guidelines are reviewed annually and are disclosed on JDI’s website. JDI will continuously comply with laws and regulations and make every effort to control chemical substances contained in JDI’s products.

  • 2.Evaluation of Business Partners’ Management Systems for Chemical Substances in Products

JDI asks business partners to establish a management system for the chemical substances contained in raw materials and other procured items in line with the Guidelines for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products set by the Joint Article Management Promotionconsortium (JAMP). The status of such system is confirmed by the system that links business partners with JDI (jDesc Survey Site). Regarding the business partners whose systems do not meet JDI standards, we ask them to correct and improve their management systems.

Environmentally Friendly Products

At JDI, we strive to design, develop, and manufacture products together with business partners who share the values of environmental protection and the realization of a sustainable society, in order to meet the environmental needs of our customers, recognizing that our products are part of the life cycle of the products our customers place on the market.
JDI contributes to the realization of a sustainable society through business activities that include incorporating customers’ environmental requirements into JDI’s products, procuring materials from trustworthy business partners, and increasing JDI’s productivity. JDI’s efforts to preserve the ecosystem even extend to the local region around each fab.

Life Cycle Emphasized in Product Development

Minimizing Environmental Risks

Efforts to Prevent Air Pollution

JDI operates facilities that emit smoke and soot and facilities that emit volatile organic compounds under the Air Pollution Control Law. Regular measurements and on-site inspections by the authorities in fiscal 2022 revealed that no measured items exceeded the regulatory levels. JDI will continue to work to manage air emission standards and improve related facilities.

Efforts to Prevent Water Pollution

In accordance with the Water Pollution Control Law, JDI has established voluntary standards that are more than 20% stricter than regulated values for water discharged into rivers and sewage systems for 15 items related to the living environment and 28 hazardous substances, which are agreed upon with local government agencies that have jurisdiction over each of JDI’s Fabs, and JDI conducts measurement control based on these standards. Regular measurements and on-the-spot inspections by authorities in fiscal 2022 found that no measured items exceeded the regulatory values. JDI will continue to work to improve the water quality management of discharged water and related facilities.

Chemical Substance Management

JDI controls the use of chemical substances in manufacturing and other processes under internal rules categorized in accordance with legal regulations. JDI manages the use of chemical substances contained in products in accordance with the RoHS Directive, REACH, and other laws and regulations, as well as through green procurement. The same style of management is also used at our global manufacturing subsidiary to prevent environmental contamination, respond to statutory requirements, and reduce the environmental load.

Proper Waste Disposal

JDI advocates for and works to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste in accordance with its environmental policy and 3R activities. In addition, in accordance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act, JDI separates specially controlled industrial waste, industrial waste, and general waste, and conducts risk management for each. JDI adheres to proper waste disposal and also works to reduce the risk of illegal dumping.

Noise and Vibration Management

JDI operates equipment (compressors, blowers, etc.) in accordance with the Noise Regulation Act, the Vibration Regulation Act, and other related regulations. Every year, JDI conducts noise and vibration measurements at the boundaries of JDI’s premises to confirm that the levels are within regulatory limits. In fiscal 2022, there were no incidents that exceeded regulatory levels.