Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety
In all business activities, employees can only perform at their best if their safety and health are ensured. JDI and its group companies will continue to strive to create a comfortable working environment in which employees can work with peace of mind and enthusiasm through various health and safety activities and measures to improve
health management.
Safety and Health Policy
Japan Display Inc. will, in all of its business activities, operate to ensure a safe and pleasant workplace environment through prioritizing health and safety with the goal of realizing a safer and more comfortable society for all.
We will embed the practice of promoting and protecting occupational health and safety into our corporate culture and strive to minimize the risk of using hazardous chemicals, high-pressure gases, and other hazardous materials and eliminate all workplace accidents and work-related injuries and ailments with the goal of becoming a more sustainable business.
Based on the belief that adhering to relevant health and safety laws and regulations and JDI mandated rules and standards will ensure the safety of all of our employees, we will run PDCA cycles to further improve our ISO45001 compliant occupational health and safety management system.
We will assess where in our operations lie hazards likely to cause occupational accidents or diseases and will ensure that preventative measures are incorporated into the relevant operational procedures. We will work to achieve our goals by creating an open environment for our employees to freely share information that is then evaluated fairly and used to make improvements.
In addition to establishing a back-up system necessary for promoting occupational safety and health for managerial supervisors, JDI has established an Industrial Safety and Health Committee and a Promotion Committee to promote occupational safety and health measures in consultation with the union and employee representatives. In order to ensure that these committees can fulfill their original roles and functions, JDI will provide necessary support to all employees and cooperating companies.
- We will maintain a high standard of occupational health and safety in recognition that doing so is one part of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
- We will promote the continual improvement of corporate compliance as part of our company-wide health and safety activities.
- We will promote initiatives with the goal of eliminating occupational accidents and diseases to maintain a high standard of employee physical and mental health.
- We will provide leadership in the establishment, operation, and improvement of occupational health and safety management systems (in compliance with the ISO45001), and will allocate and support management resources, including the necessary personnel, materials, and financial resources.
January 1, 2021
Scott Callon
Chairman, CEO, & Representative Executive Officer
Health and Safety Management System
In the area of health and safety activities, JDI has a system that allows for effective activities that take into account the actual conditions at each site while repeatedly consulting with those at the management level.
In the event that a problem or new risk is identified in the activities at a site, a meeting with those in charge of safety and health is held to promote horizontal development and improve the level of the entire group.
Health Management Initiatives
Health Declaration
At Japan Display health is foundational to all business activities. We actively promote health management through the support of employees' independent health improvement activities and by striving to create a work environment that accommodates diverse working styles so that all can live vibrant, fun, and fulfilling lives.
Through these activities we are working to realize our vision of creating a better future for all.
April 1, 2024
Scott Callon
Chairman, CEO, & Representative Executive Officer
Health Management
JDI has set a goal to support independent employee health management
in an effort to enhance the work environment with the hope of fostering
enthusiasm in each and every employee.

Slogan for Health Promotion
Health Promotion
JDI has set three goals, collectively called the JDI Improve 3, to ensure that everyone who works at JDI can reduce health risks in the future to improve themselves and their lives. “Improve” means to improve oneself by acquiring knowledge and other skills in a way that demonstrates increased value (capability).
Target Figure | ||
BMI More than 18.5 but less than 25 |
Exercise Habits | Participation in Training to Improve Mental Health Literacy |
Health Management System
The Health Management System is a material sustainability issue that positions health as the core foundation of all JDI business activities, with the goal of actively supporting employees’ independent health promotion.