• Safety and Health Activities

Safety and Health Activities Safety and Health Activities

Safety and Health Activities

2022 Occupational Accident and Health Results

In fiscal 2022, JDI experienced a total of 11 occupational accidents, 10 at domestic sites and 1 at an overseas site, including contractor accidents. Taking each incident seriously, JDI had these incidents analyzed in detail at the relevant workplace, promptly investigated the cause, and took action, while striving to share information throughout the Group to prevent recurrence.

No More Occupational Accidents Month

JDI launched the Zero Occupational Accidents Month as a unique effort coinciding with the National Safety Week held throughout Japan annually. Through this initiative intensively carried out from June to July every year, we reflect on past occupational accidents, put in place comprehensive measures and ongoing checks, and make efforts to eradicate potential risks in the workplace in advance.

Disaster Prevention Measures Anticipating Earthquakes, Fires, and Other Emergency Situations

JDI conducts comprehensive earthquake evacuation drills annually at all fabs and offices to address the risks of building collapse, fire, and other emergencies caused by a major earthquake.
In fiscal 2022, we returned to normal activities, conducting mass evacuation drills which had been postponed for several years to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
In addition, JDI has conducted various other training programs, including the use of firefighting equipment installed at each site in preparation for an emergency, AED lifesaving training, and training in the planned use of emergency stairways and evacuation equipment. Initial Fire-Fighting Training
Comprehensive Earthquake Evacuation Drills

Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus

Also in 2022, JDI has taken sufficient measures to ensure employees’ daily health observation, encouraging telecommuting, and urging them to avoid the three Cs in their daily lives in line with the “Stricter COVID-19 Measures” issued by the government.
In addition to conducting workplace vaccinations (3rd boosters) that included family members at 2 sites, the Tottori Fab and the Mobara Fab, we also worked to improve the vaccination rate by providing paid vaccination leave to eligible employees.

Health Management

Strategy Map

A strategy map has been formulated to make it easier to visually understand the connection between business challenges to be solved through health management and specific initiatives (health investment and expected effects).

Strategy Map

Health Management FY2022 Survey Results

①Results of Health Management Evaluation

■Overall ranking : 1051~1100/ out of 3169 companies (increase of 300 companies)
■Overall rating : 55.0down 1.6 pointsfrom the previous deviation of 56.6)

②Breakdown of Evaluation

Breakdown of Evaluation
Breakdown of Evaluation

*The scores for each category are deviation values based on the average respondee score. The overall scores and rankings are calculated by adding the weighted scores from the four categories.
*The best scores are the best scores per category. If the number of valid entries for an industry is less than 5 companies, "-" is displayed for the industry best.

③Evaluation History (Last 5 years)

FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018
Overall Ranking 1051~1100 801~850 1801~1850 1201~1250 751~800
Overall Score 55(↓1.6) 56.6 44.5 50.7 52.9
Number of Responding Companies 3169 2869 2523 2328 1800

■ Since the previous survey, the overall rating has decreased by 1.6 points and the ranking has also decreased by 250 companies. Given that the overall number of respondent corporations has been increasing in points year after year, it is essential to analyze the detailed items of each framework and clarify priority measures and major improvement items to ensure improvement in order to maintain the certification as an excellent health management corporation in the future.

Health Check Data Summary(1) Drinking & Smoking Habits

Health Check Data Summary(1) Drinking & Smoking Habits

Standard: Smoking Habits*Smoking Ratio
Drinking Habits*Frequency is sometimes or daily and the amount of alcohol consumption per drinking day is 360ml of sake or equivalent.
The direction of the arrows indicate increases or decreases(Red:deterioration Blue: improvement)

Population Approach FY2022 Health Literacy Implementation Details
Population Approach FY2022 Health Literacy Implementation Details
Survey on attitudes toward smoking cessation
Smoking cessation support campaign
About passive smoking
No smoking time implementation
Cancer screening support and knowledge dissemination

■ Drinking Habits

Improvement was seen both in JDI as a whole and by gender. This can be attributed to the fact that the JDI provided information on AUDIT last year as a population approach to raise awareness of alcohol dependence, and conducted individual interviews with the target group as a high-risk approach to understand proper drinking habits.

■ Smoking habits (smoking rate)

In the previous fiscal year, we provided individualized support to 175 persons who wished to quit smoking as a high-risk approach, and as a result of continued emphasis on individualized support in the previous fiscal year, a 0.9% improvement was achieved, which is below the FY2025 target of 26%. Although only a slight decrease in the smoking rate can be expected in the future, we will continue to provide patient and continuous support to improve the smoking rate.

Health Check Data Summary(2) Appropriate Weight, Exercise Habits, Sleeping Habits

Health Check Data Summary(2) Appropriate Weight, Exercise Habits, Sleeping Habits

Standard: appropriate weigh*Under BMI18.5~25
exercise habits*2 times per a week, over 30 minuites per once
sleeping habits*getting enough sleep due to rest
The direction of the arrows indicate increases or decreases(Red:deterioration Blue: improvement)

Population Approach FY 2022 Health Literacy Contents
Population Approach FY 2022 Health Literacy Contents
Nutrition Smart washoku (3-part series)
Onigiri diet (glycation)
Exercise Physical fitness maintenance and enhancement, simple physical test (locomotive syndrome)
Lower back pain prevention exercises (inner muscle, balance training)

■ Appropriate Weight

The JDI as a whole remained unchanged from last year, with a 0.2% decrease for men and a 0.8% increase for women.
We will continue to provide support to find points for improvement by reviewing each individual's lifestyle.

■ Exercise Habits

The JDI as a whole increased by 0.4%, although it did not reach the national average, with a 0.3% increase for men and a 1.3% increase for women. One of the factors is thought to be the increase in exercise opportunities after the Corona disaster. In order to maintain this trend, we will implement a plan that takes into account the content and timing of efforts with "retention" as the key word.

■ Sleep Habits

Since sleep habits are greatly influenced by each individual's life background, we mainly take a high-risk approach to sleep habits, and the main point of our support is to propose specific measures that can be implemented by each individual to improve their sleep habits.

Health Check Data Summary(3) High Blood Pressure/ Diabetes High Risk

Health Check Data Summary(3) High Blood Pressure/ Diabetes High Risk
Health Check Data Summary(3) High Blood Pressure/ Diabetes High Risk
Health Check Data Summary(3) High Blood Pressure/ Diabetes High Risk

The direction of the arrows indicate increases or decreases(Red:deterioration Blue: improvement)

■ Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Risk Persons

The ratio of at-risk persons increased in both cases.
Although it is difficult to identify the cause, we aim to reduce the number of high-risk persons by strengthening individual guidance, specific health guidance, and visits for precision examinations.

■ Hypertensives

The percentage of hypertensives increased by 0.4%, but the percentage of those on treatment also increased by 6.1%. However, the percentage of those who have controlled their hypertension despite being on treatment decreased by 16.8%. Therefore, we will provide support with a viewpoint of whether they are able to control their hypertension even after starting treatment, and will focus on "concrete measures that can be established" during the individual interviews.

■ Diabetics

The percentage of diabetics has increased by 1.5%, while the number of those treated has also increased by 6.5%. However, the percentage of those who are under control has decreased by 2.6%. It is important to provide individualized support according to each person's life background so that not only drug therapy but also lifestyle improvement will take root.

Consultation Ratio (%)
Specific Health Guidance Completion Rate (%)

■ Health Checkups and Specific Health Guidance

100% of regular health checkups were conducted this year.
The reasons for the decline in the rate of employees receiving a full medical checkup (-18.5%) and the rate of completion of specified health guidance (-9.1%) were that many employees retired in the middle of the fiscal year due to the suspension of production at Higashiura, and thus follow-up could not be completed.


A condition in which an employee comes to work with some kind of illness or symptom, resulting in a decline in work performance and productivity.

Please rate your work over the past four weeks based on 100% of your work performance when you were not sick or injured.
SPQ(Single-Item Presenteeism Question Tokyo University1item Edition)


The direction of the arrows indicate increases or decreases(Red:deterioration Blue: improvement) Questionnaire for all employee : Recovery Ratio 98.8%

■ Comparison with the previous year

  • Comparison with 100% alone ・・・・3.1% decrease (Poor)
  • Comparison with 90% or more ... 1.2% decrease (bad)
  • Comparison with 80% or more: 0.6% increase (good)

■ Comparison with research group

  • Comparison with 100% alone ・・・・5.7% higher (good)
  • Comparison with the study group: 1.8% higher (good)

■ Summary

92.0% of the respondents answered that they are in 70% or better health, which means that the number of people who, for some reason such as illness or injury, are not performing at 100% but are in such a state that it interferes with their work is steadily decreasing.
We will continue to support the wellbeing of each and every one of our employees, aiming for wellbeing in the future.

Stress Check Summary

Stress Check Summary

The direction of the arrows indicate increases or decreases(Red:deterioration Blue: improvement)

Population Approach FY 2022 Health Literacy Implementation Attendance Ratio
Examination Ratio
Reminder for Not Attended People's Attendance Ratio
MentalHealth Self-care Training: Assertion 97.3% 100%
Management Supervisor Training: Harassment 81.8% 100%
Harassment, Unconscious Bias (3 Implementations) 100%
Stress Check 99.1%
Stress Check Group Analysis Feedback 100%

■ Stress Check Inspection Rate

Although the percentage of employees who took the stress check decreased by 0.1% compared to last year, it is still high at 99%. This may be due to the fact that the use of health checkup results for physical health and stress check results for mental health as objective indicators for managing one's physical condition has become widespread.

■ High Stress Ratio

Based on the responses to the stress check, the stress response of the body and mind, stress factors at work, and support from the surrounding environment are converted into evaluation points, and the high-stress rate is determined based on the individual's stress level. According to the criteria in the implementation manual published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, about 10% of the workers who take the test are considered to be high-stress individuals. In the midst of various changes in the social and business environment, JDI will continue to provide careful support to each individual, taking into account their individual backgrounds, so that the current situation can be maintained.

■ Healthy and Lively Outcomes

We measure work engagement (positive worker involvement in work), workplace togetherness (workplace social capital), and workplace harassment as important outcomes that lead to workplace improvement. In recent years, the figures for all of these indicators have been improving, and we will continue to plan future training and workplace analysis feedback while following the current results and direction of our efforts.