JDI Certified as an Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023
JDI positions 'health as the foundation of everything', and actively support our employees' autonomous health-building efforts. We are committed to improving both physical and mental health, and creating an energetic and comfortable workplace environment. Based on our health declaration, we strategically promote and continuously implement various measures in collobaration with the leaders of our fabs and offices and with the heads of our related companies.
These efforts have been recognized, and we have been certified as an Excellent Health Management Corporation for fiscal year 2023.
The Excellent Health Management Corporation Certification System is a system that honors corporations and other entities that are particularly good at health management, based on health promotion initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council.
With the goal of enabling each and every one of our employees to lead a vibrant and fulfilling life, we will continue to promote further health management.
These efforts have been recognized, and we have been certified as an Excellent Health Management Corporation for fiscal year 2023.
The Excellent Health Management Corporation Certification System is a system that honors corporations and other entities that are particularly good at health management, based on health promotion initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council.
With the goal of enabling each and every one of our employees to lead a vibrant and fulfilling life, we will continue to promote further health management.